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I am…

I recently came to the realization that I am a self – made woman. It struck me with a multitude of emotions that I was not prepared for. I was surprised that it had never occurred to me that it was so. I felt some amount of guilt about not giving my parents the credit they may deserve. Don’t get me wrong, my parents did the best they could. Wouldn’t any parent though? And still we have parents who are addicts, who leave and abandon their homes, parents who may just get caught up in giving their child the best possible life they deserve and in the process end up neglecting this part of their heart that exists outside, in this big bad world. So if we believe that parents are everything and parents can only do good, then why do we have these parents existing at all?

Let me ask you another question. Is it possible to think of parents, our parents, as just human beings that live with us, help us grow in the best possible way that they know how? Can we think of them as people, who are capable of making mistakes, who make mistakes, and not as “God sent angels” or “The whole and soul of our existence”. Isn’t this just too much pressure on people who are trying their best to help us become our best versions? Can we not just forgive and forget? Say thank you and move on?

So I choose to let go. I choose to humanise my parents so they can live their lives in the best possible way, by being the best possible version of themselves that they can be. I choose to just be me, the best way I know how.

I am who I am because I chose to be this way.

I choose to leave behind the baggage of my parents, of this past.

I choose to free myself today…


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