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The Living Corpse

She sat there like a live corpse. Her world was oblivious to her & she to it. Nobody missed her in the world she had left & nobody thought of her. It was like she did not exist. She was a blip in their universe, a wasp, a bee to be swatted away.

Sitting there in her home, by the window, looking at the sky, her mind seemed to be shocked into paralysis. It felt like she would never wake from it. Sitting by the window she thought, “Wouldn’t it be lovely to just continue on like this, to never have to step out of this haze & wander about, to never have to break someone’s heart & to have yours broken, to never have to love & to never have to lose that love?”

The living corpse locked up her heart, bound it tightly with rope & threw the key into the rough sea for it to be lost in the waters forever.

And now she continues to be the living corpse, mingling with those who live, pretending to be alive.

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